Monday, September 18, 2017

Dear my 18 year old self,

I love tulips because the first time I saw it, it captured my heart.

She is Susie Salmon from The Lovely Bones movie. She's so simple and it makes her beautiful. I love her face.

I'm so excited this coming sembreak, see you soon beaches!

Been here about a year ago, so amazing!
Cats are so fluffy and I like it especially when they rub their head in my legs. They are so cute!
Fall or Autumn appeals to me being the end of something yet, it signifies that a new beginning is coming.
They say that I looked like her, funny, right? Because she's so stunning! I want to be like her.
Aside from the fact that crab is delicious, it reminds me of my former friend who has crab mentality in a negative way.
Sunsets are the best especially with your loved ones. A heart-melting scene.

I want to see Northern Lights in personal! I'll study hard so that I can have a decent job that will give money enough to watch the Northern Lights.

Monday, August 28, 2017

If I were given a chance to be Fashion Model

Since I was four (4) years old, I really like to be fashion model and being captured by the camera. I want to wear different kinds of fashion apparel, those clothes that would make me look more beautiful. I wanted them to wished they were me. That's why when I was a little kid, I tried to convince my mother to buy me fancy clothes. The only problem is the Absence of Confidence.

Dreams will remain dreams if you won't make it come true. It doesn't matter if you have the best dream ever, the only thing that matter is the achievement of it.

Being a fashion model for me, it isn't just about rampage. It should have advocacy and goals behind the elegant clothes you're going to wear. If I were going to be a fashion model, I will promote the rights of the animals (because I'm an animal lover!) I will influence others to care for the animals that help us to survive. Because animals isn't just living for themselves because we also gain benefits from them just like how we benefit from the nature.

Photo Credits to: Google

Monday, August 21, 2017

How could I, as a HUMSS Student Improve Philippines?

Many people are trying their best to improve our country through different ways and processes but, only few succeed. Maybe because they didn't do it wholeheartedly which HUMSS people do. We do things with all our heart. We, as a HUMSS can help the country by applying our knowledge and wisdom we gained from our teachers also, from our own experiences. We are able to understand other people's feelings and emotions, thoughts, ideas, principles, and perspective. Some people may say that it is so simple to do that kind of help. But, only few people are able to do that.

There are many courses inline with our strand which is very helpful to the country. Psychology is one of the courses that is included in our strand which promotes to help others through understanding and to decide fairly and not biased which the country badly needed this days. Because biased judgement lead to ineffective governance that people didn't want to have. Psychologist are able to understand and cure the growing population of above normal manner and conduct of Filipino citizens. It may not be obvious as we see but, as we observe them seriously, they are not doing good.
Another example that will prove that we can help being a HUMSS is History, we are able to trace the past in a right manner that's why we're able to understand our present day government. Therefore, we can help them to lead our society. Aside from it, HUMSS are also politicians. Since we have the heart to do anything with wisdom, we can be a great leader of the country. In that way, we, Filipinos are able to polish or remove the ineffective politicians which is the cause of corruption and not progressing economy. There are many more courses in HUMSS that will really help the country.

But, if you would ask me how will I able to help to improve our country, I will choose being a teacher. Because everyone will not be that "someone" if teachers doesn't exist. I will teach students not just about academic knowledge but also moral lessons which may help them to become a productive citizen of our country.

We may choose different paths but as we grow old, the only thing that matters is our motive and the product of our own decisions in life.

Photo credits to: Google

Monday, August 14, 2017

Reasons why I chose HUMSS...

There's just one question that keeps on bothering me. I'm still wondering how did I ended up being a HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) student. It's so bothersome because honestly, I'm good in Mathematics and HUMSS has only two (2) Math for two years. In short, it didn't fit my abilities. Months after the first day of school, I started worrying because I thought I can't survive Senior High School. But, I challenged and still challenging myself to go out of my comfort zone.

The courses that are related to HUMSS are very helpful to the society that's why I started to like my strand.

According to Merriam Dictionary, humanities is the human race, and humankind. While Social Sciences is the study of how the humans are related to their environment, how they interact with it.

We can't see the essence of HUMSS if we define it separately. Because for me, HUMSS is the study of how we-the humankind involve, relate, connect, care, and interact with the world, our society through different disciplines such as Law, Criminology, Education, Political Science, Psychology (The course that I'm going to take in college because I want to have deeper knowledge with regards human behavior.), and etc.

It will teach us to think critically, and analytically and we'll gain the ability of being fair by our decisions, words, and actions.