Monday, August 14, 2017

Reasons why I chose HUMSS...

There's just one question that keeps on bothering me. I'm still wondering how did I ended up being a HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) student. It's so bothersome because honestly, I'm good in Mathematics and HUMSS has only two (2) Math for two years. In short, it didn't fit my abilities. Months after the first day of school, I started worrying because I thought I can't survive Senior High School. But, I challenged and still challenging myself to go out of my comfort zone.

The courses that are related to HUMSS are very helpful to the society that's why I started to like my strand.

According to Merriam Dictionary, humanities is the human race, and humankind. While Social Sciences is the study of how the humans are related to their environment, how they interact with it.

We can't see the essence of HUMSS if we define it separately. Because for me, HUMSS is the study of how we-the humankind involve, relate, connect, care, and interact with the world, our society through different disciplines such as Law, Criminology, Education, Political Science, Psychology (The course that I'm going to take in college because I want to have deeper knowledge with regards human behavior.), and etc.

It will teach us to think critically, and analytically and we'll gain the ability of being fair by our decisions, words, and actions.

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