Monday, August 28, 2017

If I were given a chance to be Fashion Model

Since I was four (4) years old, I really like to be fashion model and being captured by the camera. I want to wear different kinds of fashion apparel, those clothes that would make me look more beautiful. I wanted them to wished they were me. That's why when I was a little kid, I tried to convince my mother to buy me fancy clothes. The only problem is the Absence of Confidence.

Dreams will remain dreams if you won't make it come true. It doesn't matter if you have the best dream ever, the only thing that matter is the achievement of it.

Being a fashion model for me, it isn't just about rampage. It should have advocacy and goals behind the elegant clothes you're going to wear. If I were going to be a fashion model, I will promote the rights of the animals (because I'm an animal lover!) I will influence others to care for the animals that help us to survive. Because animals isn't just living for themselves because we also gain benefits from them just like how we benefit from the nature.

Photo Credits to: Google

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